
Feeling unenergetic? Here’s how to get a quick energy boost  

Having trouble staying awake and present is a feeling that everyone has experienced. Don't worry if you're feeling drained and powerless to complete your tasks; you're not alone. A big factor to happiness is having a lot of energy. According to studies, having energy makes you feel much better about yourself. Fortunately, there are low-cost, easy ways to get rid of fatigue, increase energy, and naturally regain a spring in your step.

Go for a power walk

It is common knowledge that exercise can help increase one's level of energy, and it doesn't take much to notice its effects. A recent study found that a 20-minute brisk walk can give you the same boost of energy and focus as a cup of coffee. "A short walk or even standing and stretching can help you wake up by getting the blood flowing, so if you can take a 20-minute break, do so.

Be enthusiastic.

The metabolism speeds up when people move faster, according to research. Additionally, acting with energy will make you feel more energetic due to the almost uncanny degree to which our behaviour influences our feelings. While on the phone, stand up, walk more quickly, and speak with more animation. 

Eat chocolate 

As we know chocolate has caffeine, but that isn't the only reason it gives you a quick boost. Cocoa flavonoids have been shown to improve mood and cognitive abilities. Theobromine is one of the chemicals in dark chocolate. When taken, theobromine, like caffeine, can give you more energy and make you feel better.

It not only makes you feel energised, but it also makes you happy. Tryptophan is one particular chemical; this is an amino acid that aids in the production of serotonin in the brain; a positive neurotransmitter in our brains. Chocolate also contains theobromine and phenylethylalanine, two substances that can make us happy.

Consume low-glycemic foods

A food's glycemic index is a number between 0 and 100 with pure glucose arbitrarily given the value of 100, which indicates the relative rise in blood glucose level two hours after eating that food. If you eat foods with a low glycemic index, which means that their sugars are absorbed slowly, you might be able to avoid the drop in energy that typically occurs after eating refined starches or sugars that are absorbed quickly. Whole grains, vegetables high in fiber, nuts, and healthy oils like olive oil are examples of foods with a low glycemic index. Glycemic indexes are generally highest for carbohydrates. Glycemic indexes for fats and proteins are close to zero.

Quick naps

Naps can assist in awakening from sleepiness and restoring alertness. During the day, a brief nap of 15 to 30 minutes is recommended. To avoid sleeping for more than 30 minutes, you should set an alarm. Utilizing an eye mask or ear plugs to block out light and other distractions that could keep you awake may be helpful.

People who work long hours should take 1.5-hour long naps. It is not recommended for everyone to nap for an extended period of time because doing so can make it harder to fall asleep at night. But if you don't get enough sleep or are fighting a cold or infection, taking a long nap during the day probably won't make it hard for you to fall asleep at night.

Naps of any length were found to help improve cognitive performance and alertness.